The fall vaccination clinic with Drs. Peralez & Brown has been scheduled for MONDAY, November 9th at 10:30am.
It’s ok if you’re not able to be at the clinic in person. Simply sign up for the required vaccines and the vet will see that your horse receives them. They will also check your horse’s teeth to see if they are due for a float. A follow-up clinic will be scheduled for horses the vet indicates are due for teeth floating or require other care.
Boarded horses are due for Flu/Rhino and (some for) Rabies. Please email the Stable Manager Ashley at to sign up.
Vaccine Prices:
3-Way - $40
West Nile - $45
Flu&Rhino - $40
Rabies - $25
Tetanus - $25
WN/3-W/F&R combo - $90
De-Worm - $24
FEC (fecal egg count) Test - $45
Please note that the vet office now charges a $10 billing fee for those who either do not pay day of or do not have a cc on file with them.