Welcome New member
We are so glad you've decided to join our all-volunteer, horse-loving organization! Please review the links below which detail our rules & policies, barn etiquette, and don’t forget to register with our volunteer site, “Track It Forward” so you may start logging your annual hours. Take a moment to look around our website too as you will find a list of upcoming events, a detailed history and a wealth of other information about the Club.
As Rose Bowl Riders is an all-volunteer club, we need your help with a wide variety of tasks. In addition to our spring & fall workdays, which help keep the place looking great, we need your help with publicity, marketing, clerical work, scheduling, grounds work, handyman tasks and fundraising - just to name a few! As a horse organization located on City of Pasadena property, we are also committed to bring horses to the larger community to the greatest extent possible. You can volunteer to help with horse shows, clinics, parades, Horses in the Arroyo Day, children's programs, events, be a liaison with community groups - however you would like to spread the word about horses! Whatever your areas of interest and expertise, we’ll find a way to put your skills to good use.
Please remember - It is each member’s (adults & children alike) responsibility to promptly clean up after themselves and their horse or the horse they are riding. ALL manure must be picked up and placed in a muck bucket or bin, rubber mats swept and all debris raked up and thrown away. Strive to leave the facility better than you found it!
Members are always welcome at our Board of Directors meetings. These meetings are held in the Rose Bowl Riders' Clubhouse on the second Tuesday of the month and begin at 6:30 pm. If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to contact us at: rosebowlriders@gmail.com. We look forward to meeting you and wish you lots of good times at Rose Bowl Riders!
Warm regards,
The Rose Bowl Riders Board of Directors